The team

Management & Sales

Fredrik Lundkvist


Former CEO at Nexer. Founder of Emvico and OQ Software, which is the main owner of Geztio. Long experience and reputation in leading and building IT companies.

+46 (0)70 -878 81 10

Lars-Börje “Bulan” Eriksson

Sales manager

Founder of Geztio and former CEO of ÅRE Destination, Olympic medalist in Super-G, Calgary and over 20 years of experience as an entrepreneur and CEO in sports, tourism and outdoor.

+46 (0)70 -586 60 60

Jimmy Eriksson

Chairman Destination Technology Sweden AB

Long experience in the IT industry and leading roles at EGBS, Sisyfos and Sogeti as well as deep competence in CMS platforms.

Development, Design & Tech

Jacob Nobrant 


Senior developer for the Geztio platform.

Per Görtz


Per is a developer with a focus on Geztio CMS.

Rickard Falk


Founder Emvico with a Geztio focus on infrastructure. Former chief architect at Nexer.

Krister Nielsen

UX & Design

Many years as head of UX and graphic design at Emvico, and now for Geztio.

Fredrik Andersson

Technical Road Map

Founder Emvico with a main focus on technical road map for the Geztio platform. Former lead developer of platforms at Nexer.


Dimitri Keil

Data Scientist

10 years as a data scientist, experience from private sector, scientific projects and government funded organizations with an MS in Business Informatics from UAS Ravensburg-Weingarten.